In-house professional development


That’s the flavour of the week here at FFT. Each term we attend/run a day professional development day alongside one of our partner services from Sydney – Easter Suburbs Occupational Therapy (now with AHAs and Psych too!!). The wonderful Skye and Beth from FFT ran this terms topics, with Beth presenting on the importance of shared decision making with people we’re working with and how this develops a strong foundation for self-advocacy as our children and teens turn into adults. Skye provided an awesome condensed overview of a formal course she completed in November last year – Trauma Sensitive Practice hosted by the world-renowned Kim Barthel.  

Both practitioners did such a wonderful job. The amount of effort they put into pulling their presentations together had us all (particularly me; Luke) inspired. We were also extremely blessed (although slightly more stressed) to have some new faces attend our PD day including new therapists for ESOT, their new psychologist and another occupational therapist who was just after some additional PD because we should never stop learning, right?  

As much as it takes precious time, energy and effort supporting therapists to be up to date with relevant information to best support their clients, it is something as a service we are wholly committed too. As an owner it’s so humbling to reflect on each of these days and see them grow both in numbers and how people feel confident to share ideas.  

See you round the staff room again soon. Bye now!